Message from the YMCA Director
Every New Year in the life of a school is a matter of great rejoicing, for it is by the grace of God almighty that we complete the events and activities of the school on a satisfactory and successful note. For our school, 2010-11 has yet again been a year of meaningful remembrance where new records have been established and milestone reached.
The greatest satisfaction for any school beside other achievements has a record of high percentage of presence in the academic year, for it is an index of level of interest students’ show in all round event and activities of the institution. Body, mind and spirit are the model of YMCA, s paradigm of generating work for the progress and development of our students.
Unless the students record high percentage attendance, advancement and progress in the field of model activities shall remain limited and stagnant.
For e.g., if physical well being of the student is to be catered through various disciplines of sports and games, higher the presence of the students in these activities, higher the percentage of the student’s physical well being in a given year.
Mr. B. T. Masih
Director, YMCA Centenary School & College